Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Test

Well, tonight was fun. The Boy wanted to go "play with kids" so we went to McD's for dinner. I have thankfully found an app for my Droid that is a food diary, calorie counter that has all these restaurants and their food all programed in. Seems the best tastes good/low cal meal at McD's is the Southwest Chicken Salad. Okay, I like that. I got water! And when I looked at my total cals for the day found out I could have one of the yogurt and fruit parfaits for dessert! WOOHOO!

I am loving this app for the phone. I don't have to worry about keeping a paper journal with me, I have my phone attached to the hip, and it's super easy to use. Especially once you've been using it for a few days. It has a "recently eaten" category that pulls up everything you've eaten the past few days for that meal, then it's just check off all that apply and hit save. Since I have the same thing every morning for breakfast that is the easiest meal to record.

Now that I am in the habit of recording my food, it's time to add another of the behavior modifications in. Chew each bite 20 times. Really? How many actually do that? Try it next time you eat. Better than counting, just chew till all the flavor is out of your food then swallow. :) Oh well, that's what they want me to do so that's what I'll do!

The hardest one I think is going to be the no liquids 30 minutes before meals, with meals or 1 hour after meals. I get the reasoning. After surgery liquid can make the food move to fast through what is left of your stomach and cause MAJOR problems. However, knowing the logic behind something doesn't necessarily make it easier to do.

I actually came in just under 1,850 calories for the day. I think I will have a glass of wine before bed. :)