Thursday, June 24, 2010

Long time no post...

Wow, it's been 10 days. I have been busy. We are trying to get ready to leave next week for Arizona. Between travel and time spent there, we will be gone the whole month of July. My dear husband got us a new toy for the trip. An Acer notebook computer. I'll be able to still post on here and not have to do it from my phone. So much easier to type on a smallish keyboard instead of the micro one on the phone.

I've been doing pretty good. I did not succumb to the temptation of the Root Beer. Well, at least not the root beer that was in my house. On Father's Day we took a day trip down to Cortland to go mini golfing and have late lunch/early dinner at the old fashioned A&W. It still has a drive in with car hops and the phones at the tables to place your order. Most importantly, they still make their own root beer. Since it was a special occasion I shared a root bear float with the hubby in between rounds of mini golf and has root beer with my dinner. I still managed to come in right about at 101% daily allotted calories. Not bad.

Other than that one day I usually hover around the 70-80% of my allotted calories. I'm loving my calorie counter and exercise journal on my Droid. It's been a great help. Plus there is an online site that it links to so I can print off my food diary for my nutritionist. It also has a diet calender that lists your calorie intake and your exercise for the day and gives you the difference up or down. And it correlates a monthly average. I think it will be a great help on this journey. I find myself trying to figure out what other exercise I can fit into the day so there is a bigger difference in calories eaten and calories expended.

I have notice that my clothes are all fitting much better. Pants that I could hardly breath in 2 months ago are very comfortable and almost too big now. I love it.

I have my Psyc evaluation in the morning. That should be fun. I had to make several calls to the Dr's office and to my insurance company to get them on the same page. Appearently most insurances don't cover this. Mine says they will, but the Dr's office staff is still a bit sceptical. They gave the standard, "Even though they say they will cover it, if they turn it down for any reason, you are still responcible for the bill." Well, no s*#t Sherlock. Of course I am, but if they say they cover it, lets at least give it a try!

I'll try to be more regular about posting on here and I'm even thinking of starting a recipe blog also. I love to take recipes and tweak them. I wonder at what point a tweaked recipe becomes your own...

Well, off to deal with my son who wants a bath at 3:30 in the afternoon... Oh well, at least he's not one of those that refuses to bathe.