Monday, June 14, 2010


There is a bottle of Root Beer in my kitchen, and it's calling my name. I'm ignoring it for now, if it doesn't shut up I'm going to pour it down the drain. Now, normally we do not have soda in the house. If it's not here we don't drink it and I have even been doing really good for over a month now of ordering water or unsweetened tea when we are out. But we bought Root Beer for the kids for Memorial Day and then forgot to open it for them.

So now it is sitting there talking to me.

I figure this is a good test. Right now, to have carbonated soda would just be a disappointment in myself, after surgery carbonated anything could be VERY painful. I'm trying to act just like I will have to after the surgery. I need to know I can stick to this and I need to show Dr. Simon that I have the determination to follow through. Therefore, no soda or carbonated anything from now on.

I need to get better about the exercise thing. I think after dinner I will drag my family out on a walk. I did that last night but we only got around the block before it started to rain. Sky looks alot clearer tonight so we'll try to go the long way around and up on the college campus. We all can use the exercise and The Boy likes to be outside. I need to encourage that and keep exercise fun for him. I want him to grow up liking exercise.

I made a chicken pot pie for dinner with fillo dough for the crust with corn, peas, broccoli, onions, garlic and the left over chicken from the roasted chicken the other night. I'm also trying to get better about using up leftovers instead of just aging them in the fridge before throwing them away. I would love to have a salad to go with it but my mouth just isn't up to that kind of chewing yet (see root canal post).

Next on the eating rules to get in the habit of, stop drinking 30 minutes before a meal and nothing to drink for an hour after. I have mastered eating without something to drink at the table with my meal, now to get used to watching the clock and stop sipping my tea 30 min before dinner. Which now that I mention it is about now. Good thing my glass is almost empty.

The Boy is currently "cleaning" some dishes, I'd better go rescue my kitchen.