Saturday, June 12, 2010

Root Canal

So on Thursday I went to the dentist for what I thought was going to be a filling.... Surprise! Root Canal! I'm still in pain. I can't eat anything that requires chewing. And I don't think this is what they had in mind when they told me to try to lose 5% of my weight. I bought some of the high protein shakes that I will need after the surgery and figured now was a good time to try out a few and see which ones I like. Muscle Milk-Chocolate and Pure Protein-Cookies & Cream. They are about the same. I may just go back to my Isagenix. I think I still have a canister of that around.

Saw a picture of C. holding a picture of herself from 2000. WOW! The contrast is amazing. I knew we were heavy, how could you not know, but the difference in her face! I always thought she was beautiful. She's gorgeous now that her face has thinned out.

Thursday, no exercise, lots of pain medication. Friday, I took my son to the zoo. We walked around the whole thing twice and I was good.... no fried food! :) Had a wonderful time just me and The Boy.

Today, I didn't go out and exercise but I did spend about 2 hours rearranging furniture and cleaning. That totally counts toward exercise! I only had help in one room with the really heavy stuff. I did the toy room/living room all by myself. That was a lot of bending over picking up all the toys, sweeping and them moving furniture around.

Hopefully there will be no rain in the morning and we will walk up to The Purple Salamander for our usual Sunday family breakfast.

So excited to finish this month and see Dr. Simon on July 1st. Then off toward Arizona for a month! YEAH! Finally, some hot weather!